Intersts? ... hmmm... Watching MMA fights with Jeff... walking for miles and miles to anorexia with Jenny... Sleeping.. I love being outside on a nice day... Bowling Tennis, Golf and volleyball... Long pointless drives and Motorcycle rides.. and WORKING MY TAIL OFF!
"This is a joyous, happy occasion. This is also a serious and important moment. You see, because the two of you are ready to make a commitment. I did not use the word "promise". I did not use the word "promise" because we make, and we break promises everyday. People will promise you the day and the hour that they will call you at home on your telephone. And you can sit there all day long, and they don't even call.
So, what I'm trying to convey to the both of you this afternoon is much, much more than our definition of "promise". A commitment is "I'll go" when I don't want to go. "I'll do" although I really don't want to. Why? Because I made a commitment that "I will".
And today, the both of you are getting ready to make a commitment: A commitment that you are going to make this marriage work. You see, everyday won't be like today. You're going to have days where you are going to have disagreements. You're going to have days where you are going to have disappointments. That's why its so important that this commitment that you are ready to make... it must supercede. It must be more important than any disagreement or any disappointment you may ever encounter."
--Rev. John H. Langford
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says,".....that's her."
Holy shit I watch too many movies! Remembering them is another story...
CSI: Las Vegas and Miami -- Simpsons -- Seinfield -- ER -- Good Eats --Unwrapped -- Food Challenge -- Roker on the Road -- Iron Chef (Japanese version) -- House -- That's My Baby (animal planet) -- Breed All About it -- Taste -- Passions (gotta have my soap!) -- Drawn Together -- Frasier -- While You Were Out -- Scrubs -- Autopsy -- Emeril -- Mind of Mencia -- Life with Louie -- Dexter --Californications -- and probably more....
Who needs books when u have LIZARDS????