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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I love to be in love. Without love I'm not at my best. I'm a rationalist. I respect the values of spiritual belief systems. I believe in the mysterious power of Love. No doubt, the same divine power religionists know as God. I'm an investigator/litigator. I've gathered the evidence and family testimonials to prove my father and I were unwitting subjects of the CIA's MK-Ultra behavioral science project that included psychological torture. I've developed a hypothesis of the overall secret agenda of MK-Ultra.I'm a member of the National Lawyers Guild, ME Region, Buffalo Chapter. I initiated the SUNY@B law student chapter in the spring of 2007. As pro se litigator I've recoverd $104,290.80(1995&2001) by prevailing twice at the U.S.C.A. 2nd Cir. I'm currently(2008)finalizing the recovery of one million dollars of U.S. Savings from the Dept. of Treasury (guaranteed against theft)embezzled/laundered from my father a WWII Vet by certain members of the Buffalo mafia in 1972. (see the augmentation of author Leslie Waller's Buffalo mob expose "Hide In Plain Sight," in my Blog "Buffalo's Unraveling Nexus of OC,CIA,FBI and Nazi-type Experimenters for details).I hope you find my information interesting!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A penguin I didn't like. A heavy little butterfly. A buttercup filled with all the stars of the universe. People intereted in the history of MK-Ultra and evidence proving the theory psychedelic drugs were used by the CIA to both neutralize leftists in the late 1960's and as a sacrement to promote a Leary based spiritual belief system (only to be sidelined and replaced by conventional religious belief systems) to serve as a bulwark against rising secular-politico belief systems in a cold war social engineering stratagem. People interested in reviewing my evidence proving the embezzlememt/laundering of one million dollars of U.S. Savings Bonds from my father a WWII Vet derived from his Veteran's full disability payments from 1948 to 1972. Family testimonials swear my father was confined to the Canandaigua Veterans Hospital in 1948 after he obtained a legal separation; given psychedelic drugs sub rosa in his food since 1954 and severe electroshocks in 1957 resulting in symptoms of left hemisphere brain damage (incoherent speech/coherent singing). My stratagy is to write the IG of the Dept. of Treasury (by spring 2008)and submit my evidence of the embezzlement/laundering, co-signed by members of the National Lawyers Guild Buffalo Chapters in the light of a network of enlightened supporters(that means You!)to expedite the recovery of one million dollars. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my profile!!!

My Blog

!!!PRESS RELEASE!!! Mk-Ultra Survivor Finds Missing Link Proves CIA Caused Drug Crisis- 3 pgs

Mk-Ultra Survivor Finds Missing Link Proves CIA Caused Drug Crisis   By William G. Iannaccone       National Lawyers Guild-Buffalo Chapter      &n...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 11:05:00 GMT

My Hypothesis of the Secret Agenda of MK-Ultra with Six Illustrations @ MySpace Pictures/ 41pgs

THE CIA'S MK-ULTRA PROJECT:   THE ULTRA SECRET TECHNOLOGY         The Astonishing Hypotheses      This hypothesis seeks to unravel th...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 17:57:00 GMT

Family Affidavit to Sen.Clinton re. Release of Medical Record of Injection- No Response!

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA   UNITED STATES CONGRESS In the Matters of PETER IANNACCONE, World War II Veteran, Deceased,             &nb...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 11:57:00 GMT

"Presage" 1st Chapter of my Autobiography- 26 pgs

Presage     "Son, there are things that people made me do.  I don't have the heart to tell you.  I want to leave you these papers.  No one is going to help you!  Yo...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:29:00 GMT

Buffalos Unraveling Nexus of OC,CIA,FBI and Nazi-type Experiments- 5 pgs

By William G. Iannaccone. NLG Buffalo Chapter         Like the 1937 founders of the National Lawyers Guild I'd like to carry on in the tradition of an antifascist ethos...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 16:21:00 GMT