jim profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

human being for the time being....................................................... ................. .............................................black belt in whizdumb and foolosophy................................ i had a bunch more info about me on here before, but i got tired of it and took it off. it all seemed like a bit of a wank. it still does! this talking about one's self thing is always a bit strange. but then, we do live in the blow your own horn age. if you genuinely want to know more about who i am or what i think, read some blogs and look at some photos... ...they're more relevant than any list of facts............besides, i'm mostly a shit penpal. intrigue me.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

you, possibly................................................plea se don't send me a friend invite unless you come say hello first or it'll be deleted. it's bad manners. call me old-fashioned... ................i like people who pay attention & are curious, who are honest, openminded and openhearted, with a sense of humour, wonder and healthy cynicism.................. .............people who aren't looking for someone else to 'complete them'........................... .....to tell the truth, though i love youse all, i don't like most people very much...but then again, i haven't met them yet...

My Blog

liner notes

04june2259i bought another pile of books at the community centre. i often go to have a look because although their selection isn't as big as saint vinnie's, they're cheaper... which one must take into...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jun 2009 05:48:00 GMT


23may2345i don't really have anything to say, just letting you know straightaway.it's nearing midnight, i just finished a book (reading, not writing it).the book was competent fodder...not really wo...
Posted by on Sat, 23 May 2009 06:48:00 GMT

hat worn sometimes

19may2124blueblueblueblueblueblueblueblue blueblueblueblueblueblueblueblue blueblueblueblueblueblueblueblue blueblueblueblueblueblueblueblue blueblueblueblueblueblueblueblu...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 06:18:00 GMT


16may2303today's bloggery is of the visual sort.i went for a long walk with maddy...we went for miles.it's been a sunny but blowy kind of day so we kept tothe quiet and sheltered old laneways of cente...
Posted by on Sat, 16 May 2009 06:02:00 GMT

me, andering

15may0001lifes fucking fantastic, yknow?i'm so incredibly lucky&i dont live where theres no food and water, nobodys shootingat me or my friends or family, nobody seems to give a shit whether i am...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 14:38:00 GMT


4may2123i was thinkin about the trip i took...no, not that one in high school *-}and this tolkien quote kept poppinginto my head. i couldn't rememberwhich book it came from but i finallymanaged to tra...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 04:46:00 GMT

may, may not

2may2222i went for a walk in the park today with maddy.an awesomely beautiful day with light like poetry, sunshowers so bright sunglasses were necessary,clouds of every color from black on down.i took...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 05:24:00 GMT

...cold feats

april the last, ate pee emit's fucking cold. people who live in truly cold places will laugh at this.but in 3 days i've gone from thongs to ugg boots.that's sydney weather for you.still avoiding the ...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 03:08:00 GMT

basic twaining

26april part2on the planei read twain.what a brain!let me explain:yall probably have heard of mark twain, or at least of tom sawyer or huckleberry finn,characters he created.maybe not&no disgrace in ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 03:13:00 GMT


26april0832back home now...and had a nice welcome home gift.unexpected.those are the best kind, really *
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 15:28:00 GMT