my pompus plethoric undeniable self (obviously) and anything concerning that.and if i may add that today i found out that unfortunately there is a terrible,terrible error on this e-machine of e-globalised e-social is not aloud to add himself as a friend.this is in fact a monstrocity i tell you.and i ask thee the obvious; if you cannot make friends with your ownself who can you do so with?i will ignore any answers concerning vegeterians.
meet noone meat everyone
hellish things most certainly.things of the devil i tell good for me.
motionless movies
the machine itself got me..i've got to admit...i do like one writer rather much...Nikos Tsigrimanis...ok ok ok ....i enjoy Stefanos Maroupas as cannot miss "to kaskol kai ta arxidia"...Duncan is ok i suppose although i haven't yet managed to finish "i, lucifer" for quite some time now (must be over a year) that guy who's always cummings but never gets there has been an inspiration for some bands including the infamus "1*1" who are now in studio for their 4th recording with minos emi and elli kokkinou.these writers (or the existence of typed art) i wouldn't have known if it wasn't for a gay guy.