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About Me

FINIST - A project started by Saturious of Nokturnal Mortum, which came to light with the release of “Crosses Shall Burn” in 2002. A fusion of Black Metal, Folk, Power Metal, and Ukrainian Nationalism themes. Very powerful sound ranging from mellow verses to screeching choruses, bring new light to the Ukrainian NSBM scene. With the new album “Awakening”, released in the end of 2005, they improve upon their formula. Ukraiine Slava!!

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Member Since: 16/03/2006
Band Members: Saturious - Vocals, Bass, Acoustic Guitars, Sopilka, Clarinet, Piccolo, Keyboards Roman Gavrilov - Rhythm Guitar Wortherax - Lead Guitar Roman Philonenko - Lead Guitar Munruthel - Drums
Sounds Like: Power Metal with harsh vocals

Record Label: Ancient Nation Productions
Type of Label: Indie

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