Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-Dont think about the past..If you think about it, all thnking about the past does is bring you down. If you think about times when you were in a sad time of your life, you feel sad cause you had to go through that, if you think about good times in your life, its makes you sad cause your not still in those times with those ppl, dont think about the past, look forward to the future, BECAUSE THE FUTURE IS NOW!!-Why worry? Worrying does nothin...If something has already happened there is NOTHING you can do to change it, ITS ALREADY HAPPENED! So worryin only brings you down-I love nothing more than when the clouds cover the sun but you can see the beams of light shine around the edges of the clouds, its like you can see heaven comin down one sun shining moment at a time-smile all the time,you never know who could be madly in love with it--if you've got a lady friend i'll take her to town--whats life if you dont live it--no one will make happyness for you, in order to be truely happy, you have to make it for yourself--everyone has enough of their own problems, they dont need mine or yours to add to them, so dont cry about how bad your life is, god could have made you, starving, homeless, and indonesian, so shut the fuck up drama queen, your life isnt that bad--think you've had a hard life? Well wakeup,who hasnt? Every single person put on this earth has had to endure things in their life no person should have to endure, some ppl have just had a lil worse and a lil more to endure, so dont ask for my simpathy--every once in awhile you may find yourself asking why? Why ask why when you could just live your life, being the best person you can be, doing all you can for yourself and everyone else around you? If you do that, I promise, the why will just come to you--What is this world? What are we all suppose to do with our lives? That my friends is the question of the century, no the millenium--Break someones heart? Get your heart broken? Dont feel bad, Ive broken many ppls hearts. Thats life. The heart that broke mine, was the heart I broke one time too many, and I live in full regret everyday. But ppl change. If you had your heart broken I promise that when he/she comes back, and they will eventually, you wont want them back. I never can get back the girl I would die for, shes long gone, and part of the reason is because of what I put her through--Ppl often try to tell me Im addicted to drugs, wrong. I do what I want to do, not what anyone else tells me or wants me to do, but what I want to do. I dont give in to pier pressure, because I either want to do it, or I wont do it--One day I will be something, I will be someone, not to the world, this fucking society that we let run our little lives, but to me and the ppl that matter most to me, I dont give a fuck what you think, not because its not important or your not important, because thats just who I am-.. ..