Mostly My Cat (Yellow), Astronomy - Solar system, Sleeping, Eating Ice-Cream with Vanilla Coke, Orchid Flower, Landscape Design, Fish (Oscar and Koi), Electronics, Computer Games, Playstation 1, 2 and 3 Games (New PSX also available ), Xbox 360 Limited White Edition, Dreamcast, Nintendo, Gamecube, Stamps and Vocal Training
Free Music
Anything mostly "Alizee" (France), Siti Nurhaliza, Ning Baizura, Amy Mastura, Juliana Banos( Malaysia), Kris Dayanti, Anang, Melly Goeslow (Indonesia), Carol Banawa, Jessa Zaragosa (Philiphine), True Kiss Destinations, Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro, Kiroro, Speed, Utada Hikaru, Smap, Astral Love, Glay, (Japan), Simple Plan, Avril Lavigne, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and etc
Any Movies played with Dual Layer DVD player and my projector.........anything can see with both eyes.. ( Mostly adventurous and action movies including romanceeee)
The Apperentice, Alias (Jeniffer Garner), Now and Again, 3R Malaysian Version, Quickie 8TV, Korean Drama, Philiphine Drama, Thailand Drama, Japanese Drama... Chinese Drama and what ever la
E-Books, Reader Digest, Electronics Books, Nvidia Developer CG Compiler, Higher Language Shader Language (HLSL), Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), Digital Signal Processing (DSP) by E.Feachor, Hardware Computer Magazine (HWM), Instrumentation and Control Engineering By National Instrument in PXI and the Sound and Acustics Analysis... using the PCI - Express X1 and X16 Technology.....
All acting as a Heroes in the movies..i mean english and japanese movies, the other just is Uzumaki Naruto...Hokagesama...Sarutobi Sensei