Myspace Layouts by
I found my rollover effect at .. , They're awesome!Myspace Layouts by
I found my rollover effect at .. , They're awesome!Hangin out with my girls....goin dancin, partyin, I like snowboarding I can't do it very well but I like it! And i love shopping...if ya have a bad day go shopping! Buying yourself stuff you want when you have a bad day makes you feel lots better!!
I love all types of music...everything from rap, country, punk, sad slow crying songs, whatever my mood might be!
Love and Basketball is probably one of the greatest movies ever, The Notebook, Super Troopers, mostly sappy love stories! What can I say I am a girl!
America's Next Top Model, Law and Order, Family Guy, House, Intervention
My mom!!! I don't know what I would do without my mom...She helps me through everything! And also my friends! They are the shit! I LOVE YOU GIRLS!