..(My Birthday 06/17/2006) SPIRITS
Im not here to hookup but if you strike my attention I will find the time. All u haterz and people with games KEEP IT MOVING!!! Jealous ONES Envy........For: You Playa Hatin Women DONT HATE ME HATE YA MAN 4 SWEATIN ME!!!!!!FALLBACK b*tches and let me show YOU how its done!!!!!! !!!!TO KNOW ME IS TO LOVE ME!!!! (To All My Peoples That Come Thru and Bless My Page)
HIP HOP (my 1st love) u and me will neva part =0) howeva being the versatile down azz chick that I am I also like REGGAE,MERENGUE,BACHATA,REGGAETON,R&B,HOUSE,FREESTYLE.et c..etc...
Gangsta Movies (SCARFACE) is my favorite, followed by Goodfellas, Bronx Tale, King of New York, Donnie Brasco etc etc....ALSO I'm a big HORROR fan too FREDDY KRUEGER is da MAN!!!!
MySpace Layouts
Ever since I found MYSPACE I barely have time for TV lol However there are a few shows I try not to miss. FLAVOR OF LOVE , REAL WORLD ,WEEDS ,FIRST 48 ,AMERICAN IDOL ,DAVE CHAPPELLE ,DAYS OF OUR LIVES ,PEOPLES COURT thats just to name a few.
How to make a Kim
1 part friendliness
1 part self-sufficiency
5 parts ego
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add emotion to taste! Do not overindulge!
You are a City Girl!
Whether you live in the city or not, you've got the heart of a city girl.
You're up on the latest trends - what's hot in music, food, and fashion.
And you love to be on the go. Your perfect day is filled with tons of fun.
Your perfect guy is a city guy, so head to LA, NYC, Sydney, or London to find him!
What Kind of Girl Are You?(New York Giants fan right here!!!!!!!!!!)
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I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
MY SON....He is always HAPPY even in this messed up world we live in!
and for that reason it keeps me going........MY MOM is also my HERO.Also ALL the FIREMAN, POLICEMAN and people that risked their life to save people that were trapped in the Towers on SEPT 11th 2001.Its definitely a sad day in history.Lastly, all our troops fighting this senseless war losing their life for no reason...God Bless Ya'll & Keep U Safe!!
In Our Hearts The Dust Will Never Settle!!
We Will Never Forget (Sept 11th 2001)
The Best Comments @ COMMENTRELOAD.com
R.I.P..GRANDMA (I MISS YA!!!)I wasnt ready 4 u to go but then again we never are....(11/16/25-08/21/05)R.I.P To My Granpa Joe (11/07/06)