Mana Datangnya Cahaya
Bukanlah Tajuk Cerita...
Jika Benar Itu
Kau Akuikan Cinta...
Bagaimana Dusta
Mampu Menamatkan
S Special
P Patriotic
Y Young
D Delightful
Y Yummy
Letak Nama Disini:
What is a good quote for you?
by grlinterupted
Warna Kesukaan
Say what?? "The cat sctratched me...yeah, the cat."
Quiz created with MemeGen !
How to make a yus
5 parts jealousy
3 parts ambition
5 parts beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring
Letak Nama Disini:
Personality cocktail