I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! profile picture

I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP!

I am here for Friends

About Me

PpL cAlL mEh: Kylie
oR: K.o. * Kai * Santa Ho * Wings
hApPiLy UnAtTaChEd ‘n ToTaLlY sTrAiGhT
LoVe: Life, friends, puppies, and the #1 thing that is always talked about but never happens ^o^v. Oh ‘n Big Red.
WiSh 4: World Peace, the ability to let go...
dOb: November 3rd shizoch!
FaVoRiTe GrUb: Christmas Pizza.-Long story. Ice Cream. Stawberrys ‘n Sugar.
FaVoRiTe TeAmS: L.A. Dodgers! Chargers and 49er's Baby!
FaVoRiTe MoMeNt: My girls no.
i LoVe 2: Shop. Dirtbike. Camp. Myspace. Talk. Go 2 da Movies. Smile.
mAi PeRfEcT gUy: Is honest, “Good” if yah no what I mean, Lets me pay sometimes but never asks, ‘n knows how to take care of mehs.
pEpSi oR cOkE: Pepsi Bioch!!!
MoSt OvEr UsEd PhRaSe: I don't have one but I have been told that I use unnecessary "S's". Oh and I Make-up or Say Stupid WORDS, like... Honkey-Dorey, Shitakies, Frig'or'nickle, Chittiez, the list goes on!
SwEeTeSt ThInG/pHrAsE eVeR sAiD tO mE: Do I make you feel safe?
TrUeSt ThInG/pHrAsE eVeR sAiD tO mE: Gods Greatest Treasure, Satines Only Sin!
WeAkNeSs: Puppies, Laughter, Sexy Abs, and Meaningful Kisses.
Lifes Moto: Live Life 2 the Fullest! and DON'T look back and Regret! @ least try not too!
Roll Model: My Auntie Lois, and Yoda!!! lol

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I wAnT tO mEeT ThE gUy Of My DrEaMs!!!! WhO wIlL gIvE mE tHe KiTcHeN mIxEr I wAnTeD aNd A bIg KiTcHeN sO i CaN dO wHaT i LoVe aGaIn... A wIsE fRiEnD jUsT tOlD mE tOdAy ThAt HeR gRaNdMa ToLd HeR tO lEaRn To CoOk FrOm KyLiE, aNd I rEaLiZeD tHe KiTcHeN iS mY hOmE aWaY fRoM hOmE... iT iS a PlAcE tHaT mAkEs Me HaPpY... wHeRe I lEt LoOsE... NO DRAMA... jUsT fReEdOm... If ThAt mAkEs SeNsE... aNd I wAnT sOmEoNe ThAt WiLl Be tHeRe AnD uNdErStAnD tHaT, i Was LuCkY eNoUgH tO gEt ThAt ThIs YeAr, AnD i WiSh I cOuLd HavE tHaT aGaIn!!!!


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My BuDs... GoOd TyMs... GoOd TyMs... .My 3 cHiKa'S... MaY dA 4 mUsKeTeErS lIvE fOrEvEr...

My Blog

I hate when you have your spazms of thoughs!

I hate the way you think of things randomlyI wish I was either in your life or notI don't know how to tell you to stop alreadyI want the truthYou make me feel dumb when I treat us like its nothingYou ...
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Sun, 20 May 2007 04:29:00 PST

One YEAR!!!

Its been a year. Well not yet. But it will be in about a week. I jus wanted to vent out about how I feel, and to let everyone know that I guess one year later... I have moved on. Don't get me wrong it...
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Fri, 18 May 2007 03:08:00 PST

In the Back of My MIND!!!

I know.U + ME = BAD COMBINATIONMy best friend said I should have waited longer.N well I hate that. Cause its So TRUE.Cause when you find out.When you learn.As Time passes.You will see.It just wasn't m...
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:54:00 PST

Food for Thought.

Time will tell you say.I want to but I can't.I really want to but I wont.Common god through me a bone.temptation sucks ass.Why.What do you see.What can you really see.I wish there was a way to hide wh...
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 12:47:00 PST

Lets play it like XANGA...

Wow today was interesting. Got a flat tire.Got bitched at by Lydia.Went to the beach.Went to work.Had a 1 hour cig.Went back to work.Got a funny phone call.Got a whole lot of money i was not expecting...
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:03:00 PST


Its been so long.I've tried so hard.You've tried so hard.We waited.You taught me to believe in love again.BUT...It's not working.And im sick of getting disappointed....
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 10:21:00 PST


GUYS DON"T GET IT... NOT EVEN GAY ONES>>> im leaveing this open for discussion by the way... So i got a really bad message by a friend who was calling to ask me for something for a guy whom im not in ...
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 09:30:00 PST

Love You...

It hurts soooooo much i cannot even tell you... Everyday is a nightmare, and I just wanted to say thank you to all my friends for there support. Its so hard though, knowing what the other person has d...
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 12:23:00 PST

SaD bUt tRuE

A very good friend once posted this on his xanga a year ago... I was just thinking about him when I recently have been feeling my worst and not knowing who I am anymore... Without a paticular someone....
Posted by I Love PRINGLES! Once u POP the fun dont STOP! on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 11:36:00 PST