Mister Blister Kisser profile picture

Mister Blister Kisser

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, I am an elephant with wings that wears rollerskates.....I play the drums........for the band LUKEWARM FREEDA...we're really good..I play drums for a bad ass band called Lovers Revolt. I play drums for the most rockin rock band ever, In For The Kill....I also play the drums for a guy named Jake Coco......he's good.....I also play the drums for some other people.....Jesus mainly, and Alah watches sometimes too.....Buddha was at a show last week.....that was pretty cool.....I play the drums...I'm the President of Blue Suede Records...the hippest indie label in the world......I like crab legs from Hooters.....and watching jocks get drunk and fight eachother... I make one of the best tuna salads in the world...seriously..... I am completely in love with my girlfriend.... she never gets tired of amazing me with every little thing she does....I'm so lucky to be able to share my life with the most beautiful girl in the world..If I ever had dandruff, I would use Selson Blue Shampoo and keep a comb in my back pocket like all the cool Hep Cats..... I never take life too seriously......some people say I smile and laugh too much, but most of the time I'm just laughing at them

My Interests

I like to play the drums..........and watch/listen/make music........I'm one of the coolest guys on earth, so it takes a lot to spark my "interest", but every now and then I get smacked in the face by a great band or amazing artist.........I'm interseted in outer space and the stars............damn there sure are a bunch of 'em.....

I'd like to meet:

Patrick Swayze, or is he dead? hmmm.....


The Black Crowes, Chili Peppers, Aerosmith, Lukewarm Freeda, Muse, Amos Lee, The Music, The Daylights, Eazy E, Portishead for like 10 minutes at a time, "If it feels good, I like it".....some asshole broke into my car and stole all of my cd's..don't know what they're gonna do with them, they're all in English


the Amityville Horror thing just scared the shit out of me, The Pacifier....haven't seen it, but I heard it's stellar


Californication!!! woooooooooooo!


The Fountainhead, The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe, The Celestine Prophecy, Clifford The Big Red Dog


Elvis, John Bonham, My sister...I don't wanna be a girl or anything, but she's cool

My Blog

yep, it's a survey, and I'm doin it

01. Last Cigarette: don't do that02. Last kiss: 30 minutes ago....amazing03. Last Cry: like a 3 months ago04. Last Library Book Checked Out: don't do that05. Last Movie Seen In a Theater: Lucky Number...
Posted by Mister Blister Kisser on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 06:51:00 PST