myspace generators
myspace generators
Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, Peter & Lois Griffin, Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah because she still owes me lunch, Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman, Mary Louise Parker, anyone who is willing to do something they want and not what others want, Chris Farley, David Spade, Kevin James, and finally Lindsay Lohan & Britney Spears, somebody needs to talk some sense into those poor girls..... ..
Alternative and/or classic rock such as; 3 doors down, Stained, Crossfade, Shinedown, Incubus, Foo Fighters, Nickelback, Stone Temple Pilots, Fall Out Boy, Dixie Chicks, Linkin Park, Elton John, Styx. I LOVE ANYTHING ACOUSTIC!! Big fan most of it all except hard core rap and Nirvana (Kurt Cobain kinda makes me nautious)
Grandma's Boy, Run Ronnie Run, Anchorman, Dodgeball, Fantastic Four, Finding Nemo (along with most Disney movies), The Incredibles, National Treasure, Almost all Adam Sandler, Joe Dirt, almost anything based on a true story, Dumb and Dumber....Dumb and Dumberer, almost all dumb comedies
Cashmiere Mafia, Rob & Big, Grey's Anatomy, Boston Legal, House, Sex & the City, Will & Grace, Scrubs, Family Guy, American Dad, Hell's Kitchen, Ice Road Truckers, Intervention, most cartoons, Weeds!!..I USED TO LOVE POPEYE, BUT NOW I FEEL SORRY FOR HIM!!
DaVinci Code, Tuesdays with Morrie, 5 people you meet in heaven, Killing Mr. Griffin, Do Sudoku puzzles count, they are in a book.....I am currently reading Angels and Demons by the same author as Da Vinci Code, smells like a prequal that I may never finish...!
Mom and grandma, anybody who can be a good friend to their grandma and still party like a rockstar is something everybody should be able to do!!