Born and Raised in Bayonne NJ so that means I have Toxic Chemicals in my Veins
The melding together of a tumultuous amount of experience and a wide array of influences. Itis only natural that anyone could indulge what a true bassist is expected to be.
A sole purpose of breaking the barriers of my instrument, I have taken true life lessons andhave been humbled many times over.
Using that as an anthology to my approach to music as a corner stone to soak up as much as Ican like a sponge. The power of music and its' development over the years has taught me thatyou can learn from anyone. With that said I enjoy a captivating blend of music from Jazz toDeath Metal. I prefer to play rhythm based songs that have a ton of drive and that the fansenjoy, combining that with ear-catching riffs gives me the edge that sets me apart from thebulk of musicians out there today.
Anyone and Everyone in this industry knows that you cannot succeed unless you are willing totake risks, both musically and mentally.
The challenges that I have faced as a musician have made me stronger as an individual and ithas definitely reflected in my playing ability.
Changing the world one lick @ a Time
Greg J.
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