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About Me

Well here i am in the big smoke! been here a year now and city life is good but kinda random that NO ONE knows were lincoln is come on people its not that small! i gotta a awesome job working at isavedlaurence on portobello road, pop in on a sunday and there ill be! life at uni is good, LCF that is. just studying away the hours having the best time gonna get my own place in shepards bush....invites will be on there way to you! just got my third tattoo and im addicted just sorting out number four and working on my sleeve (thats what they call a full arm tattoo by the way)im gonna be one of those awesome grans covered in tattoos that everyone loves!

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My Interests

Music is a big thing in my life wont go anywhere without being plugged in. fashion well im a gal what do you exspect! anything from the 80s from shoulder pads and dallas to blondie and duran duran. Tattoos and more tattoos as i am more than addicted to what my mother calls a total waste of money and something i will totally regret! me thinks not! the more the better i say......not forgetting my favorite of all ah the sea yes if you already know me well you know that i was prob a salior in a past life and now have an obsession with having everything nautical! its not wierd i promise!

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Cash, Pharrel, The Hoff! Seth Cohen The most loveable geek on the planet! Gwen Stefani, The staypuff Marshmello Man! cause when hes nice i bet he would let you have a nibble!! And tony the tiger cause hes GRRRRRREAT also Christina your my hero for doing the candyman video! and any Tattoed ladies and guys! Geeks i have something about a hot geeky guy in glasses that just get me everytime and jews im not being nasty i love you guys its my favorite religion a jew fro is a killer on a guy!


Most really although i cannot stand dance hard house any of that. unless im at a rave but then thats different! hip hop rocks well it doesnt it hip hops if that makes any sense. and anything from the 80s you know Calvin Harrris is right, those were the best days for music genius!


Anchorman rules i love lamp too! Pans labyrinth possible one of the greatest movies of all time! marie anntionette, did you spot the converse cause i didnt!, any marvel superhero movie apart from hulk cause it was rubbish and fantastic 4 cause i aint seen it yet but spiderman!!!!! and the x-men, love them! dude wheres my car? SHIBBY! edward scissor hands is he shit and so is american beauty.


The o.c makes my day i cant live until i have seen it even though now it is over i can watch the box sets over and over again to ease my pain! i love you seth and i have the tee to show it! your dad too! RIP marrissa cooper.


the best ones are the coffe table ones you know the huge cant even lift it to look at it ones and the hilarious ones you find in the humour section at any good book shop....post secrets best book ever, gret lies to tell small kids and the bunny suisides collection. ever seen a pop justice book there genius the story of take that is my favorite.


erm........Seth cohen his classical wit and love for comics is enough to make any woman go week in the knees a geek can jus do that to me.

My Blog

A forehead debate

Basically lincoln sucks and im bored! ( and i just spent the last 10 mins deciding on font and colour!) so i have come up with the idea that i think it is cool to wear a bandanna well kinda more like ...
Posted by Heath on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:18:00 PST


This will please most of my lovley tattoo loving friends yes you guessed it im getting more ink in the form of a anchor and rope on my left foot! classy huh! 6th april so watch this space!!!
Posted by Heath on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:11:00 PST


I went to see the BEST person in the world ever!!!!!!!!!! i was soo excited! yep you guessed it...........pharrell at brixton acadmey it was awsome i got lots of pics which i will post up soo and a ni...
Posted by Heath on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 09:44:00 PST

OWWY it hurts!

i did a very cleaver thing the other day. so cleaver in fact i think i should get an award! i was cutting stuff at work with a BIG sharp knife and thought it would be  good idea (i didnt really i...
Posted by Heath on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 02:09:00 PST