sNoW profile picture


@.! WeLcOmE To My LiFe!.@

About Me

hello !! nak ckp perh psl diri aku nih? aku nih x cun pon..cute tu maybe la..muehhehe~ nak memerasankan diri nih..aku ni x dela tinggi sgt..rendah pon xjugak..sdg2 je..aku suke ckp...capap pon aku suke gak..aku xsuke senyum but love to laugh...muehheheh~..mende x klakar pon leh jdk klakar.. aku nih happy go lucky .. emm..nak ckp pe laie psl diri aku nih?..ntah la..x tau pon amende sebnanye...

My Interests

i like 2 play chess...dgr radio..maen ternet..n pape yg besh ..+ tarik perhatian aku!

I'd like to meet:

sape2 la rase diri dier best..yg x best tu aku tolak tepi!


sume lagu yg best ... 1st my peberet group... SiMpLe pLaN.. 2nd MaRooN 5 3rd BLaCk eYeD pEaS 4th LinDsaY LoHaN 5th AmY MasTuRa la...sape laie..


i love 2 watch shrek..huhuhu~...i love shrek!


nothin 2 say ere..everythin' in tv...thats all i love...coz ilove tv so much! . heheh~ sana'y wala nang wakas...sape suke?! sile2 add aku...aku suke leo..mueheheh~


how about geography.....


any man that make me feel like a woman...