I want to make a living
writing down everything
I see.
This is how It is.
My best friend,
Shes been there for me since the day I met her, no one could ever bring us aparart. No one, and bellieve me we've been through a lot of things together and we just started being friends. Shes someone that will tell me anything and I'll always have something to say back, and I can tell her anything too, no matter what. I meen... we really do talk about EVERYTHING Its almost crazii, If you didnt know us and you heart us just talkin away you would trip. We fight together no matter what, and even though we try to stay outa trouble we're always in it but the important thing is, we're always in it TOGETHER.
My little Sisters n Brothers
These kids are too much, Im always ready to ride for any of them, some of them I just started kickin it with, some Ive known for ten years but no matter what, Im always ready to hold em down. And you all know who you are, I dont have to name you, and you all know the things Ill do for you and no matter what we;ve been through, Its just making us stronger in the end. i love all of you.