lenodd profile picture


Tactical buffoon

About Me

Big bloke in London seeks a reason to waste lots of time on t'internet

My Interests

snowboarding, chooons, my girlfriend, allotments, stoke newington an stuff

I'd like to meet:

any mates floating around here


see collective discharge for my taste in tunes - fookin loads...


star wars (of course), dancer in the dark, festen, spinal tap, pi, godfather, memento, usual suspects, goodfellas, casino, leon, the harder they come, eterenal sunshine of the spotless mind, the big lebowski, donnie darko, bourne identity, zatoichi, crouching tiger, shaun of the dead, amelie, american beauty, pulp fiction, intacto, three colours trilogy, it's a wonderful life, jackie brown, big wednesday, amazon women on the moon, kill bill, big wedensday, true romance and more I can't even begin to remember...


the day today, jam, in fact anything by chris morris, alan partridge, phoenix nights, documentaries (but if they're on a sunday night I'll probably fall asleep), pretty much anything if I can't be arsed to change the channel


The men in red who play at anfield