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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm married to a really hot boy. I like live music and really good books. I like to write stories, but I never finish them. I sing in a blue grass band, but listen to mostly punk rock. I watch too much tv and I love yummy food. I'm a good friend, but suck at returning phone calls. I come from a family of teachers and I love snow days more than almost anything!--except maybe Christmas Break, Spring Break and Summer. I'm currently back in school--as a student--working on my Master's degree in Speech Language Pathology. When I graduate, I will be filling a one of the much needed openings in the Ohio school system.My pet peeves are people (and sometimes pets!) who are oblivious to "personal space" (except my mean, mean, fat cat, Louie--He WILL get in your face! I'm sorry.), people who talk without knowing what their talking about, girls who can't be friends with girls, people who lack respect for themselves or others, Extreme politics, cruelty for sport, rampant abuse of the English language (sorry, it's the teacher in me), and the repetitive,vacant drivel that currently passes itself off as "music" on the radio. I love traveling, being with my HUSBAND :) and our families, fishing (but we always throw them back!), watching lame tv shows with friends, people who are genuine and kind, honesty, a "good" argument, an open heart, my girls, a wicked sense of humor, unusual love stories, and a mind that's willing to be changed when there's a good reason.Right now, I am recovering from an amazing wedding (thanks SO MUCH to my family and friends!)and an unforgettable honeymoon and trying to adjust to "normal" life again. "Normal" feels so weird sometimes!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any of my friends, long lost aquaintances, maybe some cool bands or something. Maybe even(who knows?) a few nifty new people.
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