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I was brought up here in Florida, raised by a single mother. She took very good care of me, giving me everything that she possibly could. I attended a Baptist church for quite some time and was baptized when I was about 10 years old. My mother was an alcoholic and my adolescent years became extremely rough. I always did excellent in school so my mother would pretty much allow me to do what I wanted. I got into many things that were very wrong and my mother had no power/authority to stop it. I do not, by any means, regret any of it because God puts us through trials so that we can grow. I know that He was with me through all of it. In 1999, my mother committed suicide on my birthday. After that, I was on a rough, unstable road. Thankfully, I conceived a child in 2000 with Ben, the love of my life! When God blessed me with her it brought me out of my pit. I felt like I had something to live for once again! I was also blessed with a boy in 2002. While trying to raise my children the best way I knew how I stumbled quite a bit! I've struggled with alcohol, drugs, and doing many things to dishonor The LORD! I pushed God away so much in my life that my heart was aching! As much joy as my children and Ben brought me, I was still in desperate need of something. So recently I began to pray about my life; asking the Lord, "which way do I go?", "what is my purpose?" I prayed for Him to deliver me of all this pain in my heart and all the sins of my flesh. The answers He gave were not instant but they came. Now I have no desire to do any of the things of my past but to push forth with my future in Him. I don't know about you but I want to go to heaven! I want to be righteous before my LORD! The Bible asks in Matthew 23, "How can you escape the damnation of hell?**JESUS**!"Toby Mac playlist by ♥Mrs.Gwynne♥ on MySpace Music - listen to songs & purchase MP3s
Toby Mac is amazing!