playing guitar,hockey,hangin out with friends,partying, movies,just having fun
Someone funny, outgoing and likes to have fun.
First thing that pops into your head ...
write the first word/thing that pops into your head
Butera: what tha fuck wtf wtf
Color: blue
Pet: doggy
Ciggarette: reds
Song: yellow ledbetter
Pain: ouch!!!!
Dream: day
Red: sickkkkkkkk
Breast: big ones small ones some as big as your head wtflol
Fruit: dun hahahah
Annoyance: people
Insect: squish
Tool: screw driver
FLavor: flav boooooyyyyyyyyyy
Number: 7
Sport: hockey
Perla ... lol: perlashithahahahhafuck lol
Garbage: wasent that a band
Body Part: hand
Scent: u smell like shit:(
Hair: color
Saying: talkin
Time: hooty and the blowfish
Emotion: E.M.O. hahahahahhahaha u aint even know so hahahahhahahahha
Sicknes: down with the
Lighting: crash and it almost hit me once
Weather: fuckin cold as fuck
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Anything and everything rock,blues,rap,Alice in Chains,Jimi Hendrix,Pink Floyd
seivom fo tol a ekil I ( ) ~ (###)
a~la~la~ha~ha~ha ????....Baise le monde
fuckfuck every one sucks not the books just u fucks????????