When you look into the Abyss,
The Abyss also looks into you...
I can be seen as quiet, I can be seen as loud. It depends on my mood and who's around. Contrary to my pics folder, I am not a vain poser =P it is a rare occasion I even take photos, because the best memories are kept in my mind.
Comparatively, I see myself as friendly, broad-minded, fun, comical, jovial, up-for-anything, and generally good to be around.
On the other side, I do have a little superiority complex, I see myself as more intelligent than most. I don't bitch about people usually, I say what I think to that person first. After that I get to say anything.
Mesa like food, even though I'm stick thin, and mesa like computers and games, even though I don't look a geek.
Enough? Interested? Talk!