NICOLE N. CAMBRIC (KOLAH)Kolah was born in CHICAGO IL, on the SOUTHSIDE. She was inspired by music at a young age. Growing up her mom use to play music like MARVIN GAYE, The Whispers, Temptations, ANITA BAKER, and PATTI LaBELLE. It was then that made her feel that she was blessed to hear the sound of some beautiful artists, and was INSPIRED herself to become an inspiring SINGER and SONGWRITER. Kolah has done numerous shows, as well as extra work for MOVIES, COMMERCIALS and SITCOMS, but her heart is in the music. Not only does she sing; she is also an ACCOMPLISHED WRITER and PRODUCER, which makes HER TALENT UNLIMITED to the human eye. Her spirit is so beautiful that it brings happiness and joy out of everyone. With her TRUE LIFE EXPERIENCES of the STREETS of CHICAGO, being hurt and heart broken, as well as supporting herself since the age of fifteen, these experiences not only made her stronger, but it has INSPIRED GREAT STORIES, ISSUES, and EMOTIONS to be reflected in her music. Her style is TRULY ECLECTIC and UNIQUE, enabeling others to pinpoint an artist she most sounds like. With the release of her underground album that showcases her versatility from SOUL, to R&B, POP, HIP HOP, NEOSOUL and Blues, and still maintains to tell the sexy, the soulful and the seduction of love truley different from artist of today. That helps her to believe that she can bring something totally DIFFERENT to the music industry that THE WORLD HAS BEEN MISSING.