music is my favorite thing in life. it keeps me going and helps me deal with all the bullshit. Music also reminds me of great times. but when im not doing that i run my buisness
im very cool with anybody. If you are down with thursday, from autunm to ashes and alexisonfire then i have to love you more. but i love meeting new people and i am a very nice guy.
Thursday,silverstein, alexis on fire, from autumn to ashes, thrice, recover, the escape engine, matchbook romance, poison the well, atreyu, Days under fire (my band hehehehe), ohh yea pink floyd rocks. Saves the Day, Name Taken, Finch, AFI, Millencolin, Madison, A Static Lullaby, DashboArd ConfessIonAl, Further SeEmS ForeVeR, MonEen, BeautiFul MisTake, As I LaY Dying, AntiCoN, RuFio, YelloWCard, Park, Yesterdays Rising, Open Hand, Last sEcond, SFN, DaYs Under Fire, Brand New, Anatomy Of A Ghost, New TraSit DirEctiOn, MugShoT, DistAnCe From AfAr, Tha Ataris, Blink 182 back in Chesire Cat Days, The Prisoner's Dilemma,AND OF COURSE IKARUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!IF YOU DIDNT KNOW KNOW YA KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
american pies, pulp fiction, true romance, and any movie with mandy moore cause shes my favorite girl in the world; im gonna marry her!!!!!!
that 70's show
all of the Enders Game series
geoff from thursday is my hero/role modle