I love to draw, I think music can save the world, I read comics to this day and probably will for the rest of my life, Good Italian food is that much better, Digi, Playing the guitar over a campfire, Running up museum steps with my hands up, S'mores!! Inside-Out hoods bother me, I can't share drinks, Getting lost in movies, Wearing clothes right out of the dryer, making rice krispy treats, Traveling
My soul-mate
compelling lyricists standing left of center from the pop crowd (thanks scott!)
Hook, Beautiful Girls, Stealing Home, Spiderman (both), Aladdin, Return to Paradise, X-Men (both), Millions, Empire Records
Giovanni's Room, The Density of Souls, Emily the Strange, Griffin & Sabine, Cheese Monkeys, Strangers in Paradise, Ultimate X-Men, Runaways, Young Avengers