Camping, Mountain Biking, Coffee, Astronomy, Cars, Computers, Eye Candy, Music (anything as long as there's a little bit of talent.), There's a lot of things I like and a lot more that I don't, if you really want to know... ask me some time.
A lot of people.
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts
Hardcore, Punk, Rock, Metal, Reggie, very little country, and even less rap.
Battlestar Galactica... Geeks of the world unite! (No. 6 is HOT!)
I didn't know I could read until a few months ago so here's what I've got, Beowulf, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Harry Potter (I've got to have something to read underway.), Vampire Chronicles, Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead... One day I'll get around to Isaac Asmov.
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