road trips. friends. necklaces and braclets. rings. flip-flops. feet. eyes. how watches work. MUSIC. religion. harry potter. linguistics. speech. love. pad thai. thai tea. grey's anatomy. meeting new people. hipsters. dallas stars. moving. quotes. the red sox. ampersands.
eh. i'm not impressed. and boo on (most) famous people. except of course, these guys.
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white stripes. beatles. coldplay. dave matthews. the band. the eagles. the arcade fire. broken social scene. patrick park. andrew tinker. howie day. five times august. doves. bjork. sigur ros. beck. cake. polyphonic spree. 25% toby. el gato. elton john. led zepplin. the subways. louis VIX. the thrills. johnny cash. rilo kiley. oasis. death cab for cutie. modest mouse. stevie wonder. the datsuns. kings of leon. iron and wine. travis. radiohead. the shins. remy zero. cary brothers. simon and garfunkel. belle and sebastian. postal service. damien rice. nick drake. muse. the smiths. secret machines. jack johnson. colin hay.
guilty pleasure movie: blue crush - i have a girl crush on kate bosworth. other than that: the royal tenenbaums. elizabethtown. proof. love actually.
i'm addicted to grey's anatomy. that's it.
two that come to mind are the time travelers wife and harry potter
"too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -do that my friends, and you are a hero to me any day of the week.