Cauac Sky profile picture

Cauac Sky

Cauac Sky.

About Me

Cauac is the pillar of the southern sky. A temprement like a sudden storm. Thunderhead being.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/15/2006
Band Members: A Large, Fertilized Egg of a Recently Extinct Aquatic Bird - guitars, bass, mandolin, keyboards, saxophone, glockenspiel, percussion, kaoss, electronics, soundscapes, voxSeveral Small Pebbles Which Appear to Have Been Arranged in a Pattern, or Possibly Not - drumsFreshly Painted Siding on an Old House - stringsYip! Yip-Yip! Yip! - mandolinA Slightly Annoying Static Shock on a Dry Winter Day - banjo
Influences: Many.
Sounds Like: A lonely spot on a windswept backroad in the afterlife, where Jeff Buckley runs into Curtis Mayfield.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New My Space Song: "One Five Oh Six Mithra Street"

Well, this is a little strange, so I will let it tell its own story. First, a little background.I wrote down what I saw when, in a state of half-sleep, I woke suddenly before dawn in July, 2005.Less t...
Posted by Cauac Sky on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:24:00 PST