AnDyMan profile picture



About Me

Hi....My NaMe iS AnDy And I Am GoinG to Be FivE On MarcH 21St! I LovE SponGebOb SquArepaNt, AnD SpiDerMaN! i Go To ViSaliA ChriStiAn PrE SkOol AnD WiL Be StarTing KinDerGarDen ThiS YeAr. My BesT FriEnDs Are JoRdAn, BySoN,WyAtt, MiKeY, AnD Jon-Jon. My FaVorIte toY is wOoDy And BuZZ LigHt YeAr. AnD i LoVe My PlaYstaTion aNd GamEbOy. i LikE BasKetbaLl aNd BasEbaLLI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

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My Interests

I LikE tO PlaY GaMes, aNd PlaY wiTH My SiSterS, i KInDa LikE SoCCEr, BaSEbaLl, AnD My FriEnDs.....

I'd like to meet:

SpoNgeBoB, SpiDerMaN, aNd DasH!!!


MY FaVoRiTe SonG Is ItS GeTTIng HoT In HeRrE By NeLLY


My FaVorItE MoViEs Are Mr. InCrediBlE, SpoNgEbOb SqUaREPaNts, MaDagAsCar, sPiDerMaN 1 &2, HulK, DareDevIl, MonSters Inc. , GaRfiElD, ToM AnD JeRRy, ShReK, The ChrIstMaS StoRy, RoBoTs, ChicKeN LitTLe, DinOsUaRs, AlladIn, Ice Age, ElF, ScOObY DoO The MovIe, Lilo And StiCh, BroTHer BeaR, BioNicLe, AnD GeOrGe Of The JunGlE.


Ed, Edd, aNd EddiE. KidS NexT DoOr, ***sPoNgeBoB SqUaRePaNtS***, TeEn TitAnS, FaiRlY OdD paREnTs, JiMMy NuEtrOn, DraKe AnD JosH, Tom aNd JeRRy, RugRaTs, THe AvaTaR, CaT ScRatCh.


ChiCkEn LiTTle, DiSnEy'S BoOk Of ABC's, SteLLaLuNa, BroWn BeAr BrOwN BeaR.


Mr. InCredIbLe, HulK, AnD SpiDerMaN.