About Me
Being on bright sky is more halucinogenic than DMT, more of a headfuck that a riddle wrapped in an enigma stretched round a puzzle, dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with 100s and 1000nds.
Going on bright sky takes balls of steel and/or diamond tipped nipples. Taking on bright sky means radically re-asserting your entire reality framework
On bright sky is about deciding your own cosmology - that's right, they are all correct, including whatever nuttiness is rattling in your bonce - and dont let anyone tell you any different - as a conscious being your reality informs your environment
Being on bright sky means breaking out of the dangerous memes of consensus reality such as a single 'uni'verse, smashing down the religous dogma of a creation myth and cocking a snoop at the pernitious lie of the big bang and saying "well i believe the world is held up by four elephants standing on the back of a turtle and if you ask me what the turtle is standing on, well, my friend, it is turtles all the way down!"
Our other intersest are that we're a non-astronomy / cosmology group, called ON BRIGHT SKY, set up so that people living in and around Brighton, UK (and the rest of the multiverse, of course) can get together or communicate about cosmic stuff without all the formality (and organisation) involved in proper astronomy societies.
This means that our unbounded curiousity for all things cosmic / interstellar and just simply out-there stuff, isn't limited by our sheer lack of knowledge, expertese and professionalism. In fact it helps set us free to speculate on the kooky bits that science throws up. Please feel free to join us.
We produce a very informal monthly newsletter about cosmic happenings and local astronomical events, which you can subscribe to by visiting our website www.onbrightsky.co.uk . It provides some awesome links as well as FREE DOWNLOADS OF AMAZING, CUTTING-EDGE ASTRONOMICAL / COSMOLOGICAL SOFTWARE! it
contains meta-astronomical pseudo-scientific para-physical funnies, offers some science poetry, it gives a few sensible tips and even contains a helpful jargon buster, you can hock your old astro-gear or pick up stuff in our second-hand bazaar, you can see the quality of the sky / night sky, that the people of B&H have been snapping - and we invite you to send us your photographs.
In our rants area you can read or join in with our forum, messageboard and rant collection, you can even buy some of humanity's most treasured and useful skywatching stuff - PLANET FINDER CALENDARS AS WELL AS CUSTOMIZED ASTROLABES FOR CURIOUS SKYWATCHERS OR PROFESSIONAL ASTRONOMERS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.
We created www.onbrightsky.co.uk as a tool for like minded (and wrong minded!!) people to get together for cosmic spectacles or bounce ideas around (with as little organisation as possible!!!) So please feel free to get in touch with us about relevant events, ask a question, post a comment, join our list of friends, send us a joke, a poem or a picture of the sky where you live.