The Ascian project has begun. Producing music from a small attic studio in Nottingham, the idea had been to bring an atmospheric haunting fusion of natural and electronic music. Naomi and Katie sing with beauty and the tunes, well they just fall around them. We are always looking for a new female vocal so if you sing, then message to join in. :)
My Interests
Member Since: 15/03/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Paul, Sue, Katie and Naomi
Type of Label: Unsigned
My Blog
What are we doing
I guess the question is what are Ascian doing ?
A couple of non exclusive publishing deals signed in canada and denmark will hopefully bring more exposure but we are still waiting for someone to put f... Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 14:41:00 GMT
I looked into another place, and wondered when all the crap in the world would end. Then i realised people who have and abuse power are more stupid than those who do not. Its only a matter of time, th... Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 00:28:00 GMT
Just to say hello, anyone feel like being lost in my world! Posted by on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 02:08:00 GMT