Create your own friendquiz hereTattoo's, Art, Skateboarding, Surfing, Snow Boarding, Music, Movies
Bill Hicks, Dane Cook, Jason Lee
Mallrats, Clerks, chassing amy, jay and silent bob strike back, RAD, waynes world 1 and 2, rounders, layer cake, singles, the football factory, snatch, lock stock, ferris buellers day off, breakfast club, breakdance 1 and 2, blow, all animations, heat, the lost boys, dogma, pointbreak, swingers, kiss kiss bang bang, office space, dazed and confused.
arrested development, futurama, family guy, scrubs, simpsons, entourage.
are you dave gorman, please kill me, Dirt motley crue story
Jason Lee - Bill Hicks - Dane Cook - My Father