Gay Marrage Commentary Must see.... Excellent |
Must see commentary on gay marrage and prop 8 Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 21:12:00 GMT |
Im really not that bad. |
So I have been a little bit bummed lately. The job situation is less than stellar, my personal relationships are well in serious disarray, my laundry is out of control and well I am just sad. S... Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 00:06:00 GMT |
Cancer, Lies, and now a Baby! |
So, I know this woman, who told people she had breast cancer. She supposedly had this cancer and was cured in less than a year. Last year my dad passed away from pancreatic cancer. My good... Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 19:54:00 GMT |
WTF! |
I am here just amazed at the absurdity of everything, life, friends, and family. Why do people think they have to lie? I HATE THAT! The choices made are mind boggling. How can you justify being ... Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 01:36:00 GMT |
Check out this video: Fawns Playing |
Check out this video: Fawns Playing
..Add to My Profile | More Videos Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 06:19:00 GMT |
The Strange and Crazy world of MySpace |
The Strange and Crazy world of MySpace
Ok, so I have had my myspace account for a few years now and honestly it has been a trip. I have hooked up with old friends, met new ones, and some other interes... Posted by on Sun, 18 May 2008 14:17:00 GMT |
My Career in Collections |
Yeah my career in collections lasted all of 5 hours minus the half hour lunch ok just four and a half hours. I gave it a shot, but really I just couldn't see myself calling sick people and demand... Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 15:05:00 GMT |
Random Thoughts |
Ok here they are...
Why does being single scare the crap out of people?
Why do people insist in putting the toilet paper on the roll the wrong way? (it should roll from the top, not the bottom)
Why do... Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 19:22:00 GMT |
Life is a pain |
I am sitting here thinking about all kinds of things and thinking this is so NOT what I thought I would be doing or where I would be now at this time in my life. I have made some questionable choices ... Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 10:26:00 GMT |
Isnt life grand... |
Ok so here I find myself unemployed for the first time since I was 15yrs old. I am not to worried just yet. If I am unemployed next month maybe I might be a little bit scared. Till then I ... Posted by on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 18:50:00 GMT |