well first lets define intrest im intrested in money but i find the history channel intresting tom should of been a little more specific but overall i found the rain forest intresting
Myspace Layouts
I met Her And I LOve Her And I Love Her Some MOre And Then Some More
i like that rap music that get me all crazy it make me want to move to da hood nd carry a 9 all da time. but again i like the rock that make me wanna grab a blade.........and well u kno ;) jp bout the blade but i do like rock but i cant denie my gangsta heritage im a G lol
Playboy,steven kings it, cooking for idiots, carpentering for idiots, fixing your T.V. for idiots, ASVAB(air force thing), steping into the bathroom for idiots, hey your the life of the party for idiots and last but not least my favriote book is the dictionay
Harriot Tubman, abraham lincon, malcomx? revernd al sharpton, ( actual hereo hugh laurie who is also known as house And the whole o.c storie line)wilmar, homer simpson and all the little people that make me bigger..