Beckie is ~me~ profile picture

Beckie is ~me~

I am here for Friends

About Me

About me:
Who am I? Isn't that a question people ask all the time? I am me. Petal Soft and Thorn Wicked! Self description? Okie Dokie.. Is that what need here huh? Okay, I'm loud but shy. I have strong beliefs and ideas. I love art in all its forms. I can't draw a stick figure, write a rhyme, and I sing off key. Doesn't mean that I don't draw my circles in the sand, write down everything I think, and sing as loud as I possibly can! I have a moral center, it just may not be the same as yours. I am me. I bite my nails. I smoke. I have many bad habits. They make me me. I think what I say, I say what I think. Oh! Physical description. Yeah, I can do that. I love to wear heels. Insecure people tend to have a problem with that. Not my problem, so I choose to ignore it. I'm a size 16 and love my size. I'm a real woman. Venus from the water type. I have very long, down to my ass, blond hair. It's a nautural blonde. Go figure. Bluey greeny eyes. I say bluey greeny because they change depending on the color I'm wearing. I think that's about the normal description I give. OH, except one thing. I don't do hook ups. Randoms aren't my thing. So don't ask. There, now people can stop sending me messages asking me to describe myself.

My Interests

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (POCS) Aware and There.
The corkboard below is for friends to leave pics and stuff for me. I thought it was a cute.

I had a life once. Although, I barely remember it. I spent time with friends. I spent time going places and doing things with my daughter. I enjoyed my life to the fullest. Lately.. not so much. When I do get to spend time with people it is usually what I call hit and runs. I get to stop by for a few minutes before I have to head back home to get whatever I didn't get done finished, or because my daughter HAS to get to bed at a certian time. It sucks, but that's part of parenting. You can not be selfish when you are a parent. The kid has to have their needs met before you do. I'm a mommy. That's what I do. Other times when I actually see an adult who isn't over 50 it's because they found the time to you drop by and chill at really odd hours. LOL! Ain't that a bitch? I still make time for my daughter's girl scout troop. Why? Because it's an activity that my daughter loves. So I'll continue to do it until she don't love it.
I really don't have much of a life at the moment. My grandparens needed a day time care taker. Somehow, I wasw the right person for the job. Anyone who has ever met me knows what a foul mouth I have. It's very hard keeping that and my temper under control with them. I take many long walks into the pasture (Really it's more like an acre and a half of back yard but whatever... there used to be cows there, let them call it what they want.) to keep from hurting my Grandma's feelings. Believe me, sometimes that's really hard. Anyway, I figured since I spend a little over half of each and every day with them they were worth a mention. Maybe a pic too! LOL...
- Get Your Own
There they are, my grandparents. They don't look like handfulls do they? Unfortunately for me they really really are.

I'm sure all the ADHD and OCD in my family spawns from my Grandma. When I am not caring for my grandparents, I'm working with little kids. Elementary age kids. My foul mouth around kids... however do I do it? I have no clue really. I like my job. Talk to a kid and you get a wealth of knowledge from a different perspective. It's interesting to say the least. Work aside, what do I do? Hang with my kid. Clean animal cages... oh yeah, I have tons of animals. I can't seem to tell my kid no when it comes to pets. She got a rabbit, a fish, and four birds for her birthday last year. Two of the birds died. Aww, poor rats with wings. I don't like birds but Ciara adores them. We also have a chicken that I got dumped with but Ciara adores so it hasn't become dinner YET. Pecks me again and I might just have chicken and dumplings soon. We have two long hair chiuauas. Not the little, cute toy dogs that every stupid chick has hanging out of her purse. Although I'd love one, mine are so not it. They are long hairs. Meaning they are small dogs, but the Great Danes of the breed. Cute though... even the ugly one has his cuteness. I spend many a day cleaning cages. It's not the best thing to do on a weekend, but oh well.

What else can I say about me? Let's see..... I am a loud and proud member of the Society for Creative Anachronism which is a medieval reenactment group. While I'm there or at Barony meetings my name is Rayne Peregrine. I have been a member for three years. I love events and when time and money permits... that's where I am. I belong to the Kingdom of Trimaris. Which is almost all of Florida. Vivat Trimaris! Barony of Darkwater is mostly Orlando which is where I live.For more Info on my hobby you can go to

Started taking belly dance classes! LOL! Look for me at a Drum Circle soon! (Or when I feel more comfortable with forward figure 8's. Wow those are hard!

"It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. J. R. R. Tolkein"

"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." E.A. Poe

I'd like to meet:

I'll talk to just about anyone. Although in person I'm slightly shy.... in this format you can't get me to shut the fuck up. It's crazy man.


Ecclectic taste in music depending on the mood I happen to be in. Music should not reflect who you are, or who you want to be. To many times I've seen people pretend to like a certain music just to hang out with people. That's sad. Not to mention fake as hell. You don't have to agree with my taste in music. Just like I don't have to agree with yours. That's the beauty of music, if something moves you, whether it be to a dance floor or to tears, you can listen. If it doesn't... you can turn it off.


I like lots of different movies... again it depends on my mood. On my list of favs... that's alot. Pirates, Labrynth, Where The Heart Is, Gone in 60 Seconds, Nightmare on Elm Street, Fast and the Furious, Chronicles of Riddick, Elizabeth, King Arthur, Ever After, Dark Crystal.... I have to many favs to sit and list them all. That would take a million years. Let's just say that my movie collection grows steady and yeah, I watch them more than once. From chick flicks, action, adventure, period pieces, kids movies, and horror.. I watch them all.


I don't watch much TV. The newest show I watch is Supernatural.. Eventually that will go on the cancel list and I'll have to find it on DVD. I like the PBS house series, reruns of Buffy and Angel... Spike and Faith, Ya know? I like reruns of that 70's show, sex in the city, charmed, and some other random crap. Life without cable man... What can I say?
You scored as Spike. You are the strait up you knew what I was type what did you expect. There maybey some surprise personality quirks you have. You try to control your emotions and sometimes fight so hard to deny them but when you do give into them you go all the way for what you want.















Deacon Frost





Whose your Vampire personality? (images)
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A book has to catch my attention for me to read it. I like the Chronicles of Narnia, the Hobbit, The Harry potter series and Anne Rice's Vampire series. My favorite book of all time would have to be Alice in Wonderland.

"So Gollum hissed: What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees, Up, up it goes, And yet never grows? Easy! said Bilbo. Mountain, I suppose. "


I don't have a hero. Other than myself. Hero implies that someone has done something that impacted your life in a savior type way. I guess I could say my mom. But really, other than being a mother, what has she done? Being a mother is a life work, not an act of heroism.

blog Layouts

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blog Layouts


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Blog Comments, Photo Comments, and Page Comments. I reserve the right to delete any comment of any kind, at any time. If it generally annoys me in any way shape or form, it's gone. If I find it overly offensive or in bad taste, deleted so fast that it'll make your head spin. It's very hard to offend me. However.... I still reserve the right. Just so you know. Now that you know all that about me, feel free to talk if you want. I'm very friendly. I have very strong feelings about certain subjects as you can tell. Damn near any topic you want to babble about, I'm pretty sure I can keep up a conversation as long as you can.

My Blog

Good news

I took a job in February that I really saw as something to get me through until I found a "real" job. Not something I could see myself doing for the rest of my life. I still don’t. One it’...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 02:05:00 PST

Stupid questions

I work in a store. Cashier. This means I see and talk to people regularly. The question I’m asked about 900 hundred times a day "is that your hair?" Yep, all mine. 100% mine even. Or "last week ...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 07:50:00 PST

Kung Po Chicken

The title of this blog has jack and shit to do with anything that might flow out of my brain, threw my fingers and onto this bull shit blog. Let’s start with work shall we? The assistant manager...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 06:18:00 PST

New Year’s Resolutions

Okay, it's a new year right? Yeah.. 2008 and I should have some resolutions. No, I'm not going to quit smoking. I have no desire to quit and therefore you won't find it on this list. At all. So forget...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 01:27:00 PST

No wonder were single!

  My friend and I got into an IM conversation about lonely holidays and how nice it would be if we had someone there. So we decided to come up with a list. What's the point of coming up with a li...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 06:45:00 PST


So.. I went to go see Jayme and Randy today. First time I have had a car that would get me to their area.  Guess what? They ain't there! Well duh.. I knew she had to move but had heard nothing on...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 05:32:00 PST

Not feeling the holidays.

What is the meaning of Christmas? I'm finding it hard today to be in the Christmas spirit. It's not altogether my holiday. Or at least I do not feel that it is a celebration of the birth of Christ and...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 02:02:00 PST

Go on Jamie Lynn..

Okay.. so I'm not a big fan of either of Spears sisters. I don't think Britney has a bit of real talent. However, I do dig Gimme More... Any chick that opens with a line like "It's Britney Bitch"...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 07:55:00 PST


It's like jack and shit time till Christmas. I have to admit I'm overly thankful for the Ex. Not really him.. I could deal without him. But it's good that we split Christmas. I have this thing. There ...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 11:43:00 PST


It's Monday all over the place. I actually went out of the house yesterday. First time since I came home from the hospital. Spend WAY too much time out shopping. Shopping is a realitive term... as in ...
Posted by Beckie is ~me~ on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:55:00 PST