bar, pool, riding horses, money, business, psychology, music, games, fun, women, food, skill, movies, rpgs, FPSers, more money, the truth, power, sleeping, reading, Halo 2, msn messenger, chatting, plotting, planning, thunderstorms, darts, anime, poker, being evil, taking over the world
friends, and...ummm... ah! stupid people, so I can sterilize them.
I like almost all music except for country music with the "twang" in the background.
I'm a movie buff, ask me about a movie and I've probly seen it, and if I haven't yet then I'm planning on it. Favorite genre would have to be Comedy movies, nothing rocks more than laughing so hard at a movie your stomach hurts.
One of the best shows ever is family guy, and if you disagree then you hate laughing so much you hope everyone becomes frozen and thus no longer able to laugh.
Sci Fi books and adventure books.
Heroes? Pfffttt! Hmmm... anyone that's able to listen to stupid people for a living and NOT snap and kill everyone deserves a medal in my opinion I guess.