In no particular order: Christianity, Friends, Family, Latin Dances, Ballroom Dance, Shopping, Biking, Hiking, Beach, Meeting people, Bowling, Tennis, Martial Arts, Exercise, Going to the Gym, Going to the Movies, Music, Dining out, Computers and Internet, Gaming (when I am bored), Travel, Theme Parks, Halloween, Roller coasters, Haunted houses, Six Flags, Philosophy, MBTI.
Jesus Christ, The President, The love of my life, Interesting people, and YOU. Generally I would like to meet anyone with similar interests to myself.
Your Primary love language: Physical Touch
Adapted from the book: The Five love languages (Gary Chapman)
Your primary love language is physical touch. This means that you feel most loved when you receive affection in the form of physical touch. For someone that speaks this love language loudly, Physical touch can make or break a relationship. Sexuality is only one dialect of physical touch. Physical touch can be spoken in big acts, like back massages, or little acts such as touches on the cheek or a hand on the shoulder. During time of crisis, nothing communicates love to you better then a hug from someone close. While not pushy people with physical touch as their primary love language enjoy long hugs, holding hands, and deep passionate kisses.
INFP (By far the mostly likely type to identify themselves as ADD, considering they are only 1% of the population): "Idealistic, warm, caring, creative, imaginative, original, artistic, perceptive, supportive, empathetic, cooperative, facilitative, compassionate, responsive, sensitive, gentle, tenderhearted, devoted, loyal, virtuous, self-critical, perfectionist, self-sacrificing, deep, multifaceted, daydreamer, persistent, determined, hard-working, improviser, initiator of new projects and possibilities, agents of change. Drawn to possibilities, 'what could be' rather than 'what is.' Values-oriented with high level of personal integrity. Their focus is on understanding themselves, personal growth, and contributing to society in a meaningful way. If their career does not express their idealism and drive for improvement, they usually become bored and restless. Dislike conflict, dealing with trivialities, and engaging in meaningless social chatter. Needs a private work space, autonomy, and a minimum of bureaucratic rules." Some of the best novelists are INFPs. Suggested careers: Counselor, artist, and journalist. INFPs are prone to depression when they cannot meet their own sense of perfection or the expectations of others. The very often accept blame, even when it's not deserved, and really dwell on how bad they think they are, but they are not likely to let people know that. Prince Caspian Trailer
Check out my music Profile at (
) I love contemporary and alternative Christian,Rock, Classix Rock, and alturnitive. Some of me favorite artists are Kutlace,Bon Jovi, Van Halen,The All-American Rejects, Killers, and most music with a good beat. I am also a big U2 and Cold Play fan! sometimes I listen to country. Sometimes I listen to Jazz. I am not a big Rap/Hip-Hop fan but there are some songs I will listen too.
I like most Genres, I really like movies that make you think, I am big into adventure movies, say like Pirates of the Caribbean. more movies that make you think like sixth sense, or 13 ghosts. I like action-adventure-horror-scifi. Some random movies: Count of Montechristo, Pirates, Chronicals of Narnia, Stardust, Ring, Sixth sense, Batman Begins, The last samurai, Starwars, Lord of the Rings, Dawn of the Dead, Vanhelsing, Spiderman, etc.
My Top Five Movies: The Count of Monte'Christo, The Chronicles of Narnia, Pirates of the Caribbean, The last Samurai, Sixth Sense.
Usually Movies, I watch alot of sit-coms (Everybody Loves Raymond), I used to watch whose line is it anyway.
I actually don’t watch that-much TV, I am usually doing other things and never get to follow a series. I normally check out the movie channels and find a good movie to watch. Sci-Fi Series Draw me also.
Some Books:
The Holy Bible - God
Chronicles of Narnia- C.S Lewis
Mere Christianity - C.S Lewis
The Five Love Languages: For Singles- Gary Chapman
My Personal Best - John Wooden
The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren
Your Best Life: Now! - Joel Osteen
The Abs Diet - David Zinczenko
Harry Potter
Jesus Christ, The Savior of my soul and the guiding light to my life.
The military, Police, fire fighters, and anyone else risking their life for the good of others.