-ObaR- ™ profile picture

-ObaR- ™

Save us from Ourselves

About Me

H20 its our lifesource is it yours? Do you get exhilaration from it? I know i do, of course in different forms, (drinking water isnt that exhilarating.) The forms i get exhilaration from are waters moving state, and its frozen state. You can base a year around these two states. Winter brings Snow and with it comes skiing and snowboarding. Summer time brings whitewater (well actually its man, we made dams that release water at certain times of the year[go to americanwhitewater.org to support our rivers]) And with whitewater comes Whitewater Kayaking, one of my favorite sports. Anyway i spend alot of time in the nature realm, wether im teaching snowboarding @ campgaw or kayaking what ever river is releasing. Another thing in this water subject is lifeguarding. Im a lifeguard in the summer @ darlington, as well as year-round at the YMCA or BCC.Then theres the lifeblood known as MUSIC. Its the lubricant that life rolls more smoothly upon, a measure of time that captivates your ears, and opens your mind. The particular style for me is METAL. To each their own, but Metalheads are a select breed.Also with music i like to make it, you can find me at my house blastin away on the drumkit or playin the guitar. I wanna get a band started again. yes again, Its hard to get the right people to keep a band going, theres always some kind of drama or Bullshit.Another thing is the youtube phenomonon, im on it, check my stuff out at thebluestateupdate (one word) its sumwat of a political type show, but we touch on random aspects of having pride in AMERICA, something alot of people have lost. and yes liberalism is a disease one that corrupts many minds with false ideals. but then again politics is an evil game, but all i know is that the American Dream and Values should be kept, and not overrun by socialist/communist cuntrags.anywho when im not playin music or out in nature im on XBOX live so hit up my gamertag Killerobar..... add to your profilePowered by Myspace

My Interests

Hobbies: drums, guitar, Skiing/SNOWBOARDING, Mountain biking, WHITEWATER KAYAKING, Music: most things heavy in a metal style, but not limited to Metal, it varies from metal to classic rock. LoCal bands! and IM TRYIN TO GET ONE STARTED, I play guitar and drums so let me kno, my tama rockstar -- Hobbies: Skiing, Snowboarding, Whitewater Kayaking, Mountain biking and Cars! This past year I made Eagle Scout which is a very high achievment. not many scouts make it to that rank. YEAH!! oh yea and my whips an 02 ford focus zx5, hooked up rims and injen air intake, will getr pics up soon. i kno its not a sports car but it does its job. i wanna get an old skewl muscle car, hopefully a restoration project fo really cheap. but i have so many things to dump money into, drumset, guitar stuff, chillin money(munchies:) yea!), concerts, snowboarding, etc.__SO U THINK U KNO ME? TAKE MY QUIZ Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!
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I'd like to meet:

A nice girl that can handle my crazy ass.... Other kewl metal heds, or people with similar views, hobbies and tastes. You anybody who is stalkin my myspace let them be known...and hit up my sn its SlipNJloc on aim......

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anything that is not preppie and is funny. also movies that make u think then scare the shit out of you are always cool. TEAM AMERICA was hilarious "HERRO!" Da ka ma ka takka. "do you trust me?" It is inevitable in-ne-itable, INEVITABLE!."Harold and Kumar go to white castle" gives me the munchies, funny movie if u havent seen it go, hey i better go to white castle now, bye. ------ oh yea and the wavesport dvd, DOUBLEYOUESS, which stands for ???? WS, its insane skills. -----


SOUTHPARK, DRAWN TOGETHER, most car shows, the Simpsons, what ever is on. and of course HEADBANGERS BALL, Jamey Jasta kicks ASS! Seinfeild, Robot chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
What Seinfeld character are you?
Cosmo Kramer
You live across the hall from Jerry, and often use his apartment as a restaurant or meeting room. You never work but get by on your crazy money-making scemes and your rent-controlled apartment. You are the life of the party wherever you go, and never lack companionship from the opposite sex.

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Hit Parader, revolver, guitar world, sport compact, focus fanatic, OH WAIT those are magazines, ok so i look at the pics and read sum of the articles! lol and while we are on the topic of magazines, LVM, (Lunch Video Magazine) its actually a DVD, and its for whitewater kayaking, comes out each season, it showcases whats goin on in the world of Kayking, really good shit. I Highly recamend it.

My Blog

Love, life and freedom

 what is all this for, what the hell is going on? we are juss creatures of our own device, acting upon instincts, a desire for freedom, but nobody's free, we all answer to somebody, wether you li...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:31:00 PST


Is truth in the eye of the beholder?it mite be, and say that to a pathological liar and they will beleive what their eyes see, and their ears hear,(altho its more of their own twisted dialog in their ...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 12:06:00 PST

vacation update...

another vacation down here in the mountains. its been an annual trip for years, going to the great smokey mountains to kayak, mtn bike, and to relax in nature. This year has rekindled the ol...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:05:00 PST

North Carolina on my mind

yes im down south for my annual getaway filled with mtn biking,  and whitewater kayaking, along with alot of good restraunts and the southern state of mind. its been great so far,  its ...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 06:30:00 PST

its been a while

since a blog from obar..well it seems as if life is just SSDD.. altho its not but it drags on in the usual fashion.Another snowboard season has been laid down to the past, i ended mine on 4/22/07 @ Go...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:04:00 PST

R.I.P Vera Cash

Vera Cash was my great grandmother, with whom i shared my birthday with for 20 years of my life. She passed away this morning at the age of 90 years old. just one week shy of her 91st birthday.When i ...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 08:35:00 PST


The fuck is wrong with this weather.. its fucking 72 degrees outside!!!!its fucking winter!!!!!Dammit...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 12:06:00 PST

New year 07, and resolution thingies

yes another year has gone by, and its time for the usual resolutions to get started up.1 resolution is my health, gotta get back into shape again, and stop eating all that damn fast food. It kills ya ...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 12:04:00 PST

Snowboarding trip??? winter 07????

So I was thinking about it. and winter is almost here.Its a renewed season as the snow blankets mountains and otherwise bland terrain. It brings a new sport season called snowboarding.One of my plans ...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:32:00 PST

Inflames, lacuna coil-- and concert mishaps...

So last night was inflames and lacuna coil @ starland ballroom.I went with my good friends tim, klaudia and angelica (and no not the one from the mall) and Randy... we all went in his truck. Had sum f...
Posted by -ObaR- ™ on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 12:22:00 PST