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Queen V

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Myspace Comments | Myspace Graphics | Myspace Surveys table table table table {border:1px;}table, tr, td {background:transparent; border:0px;} table table table {background:transparent;} table table table td { border-color:00008B; border-style:solid; }td, span, div, input, table td div div font, body div table tbody tr td font { color:ffffff !important;}a { color:D86B00 !important; text-decoration:underline !important; font-style: normal !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-transform: normal !important; }a:hover { color:DAA520 !important; text-decoration: overline !important; font-style: normal !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-transform: normal !important; }.nametext, .whitetext12, .lightbluetext8, .orangetext15, .blacktext12, .redtext, .redbtext, .blacktext10, .btext { color:ffffff !important;}a:hover img{ filter:Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=2, StartX=20, StartY=40, FinishX=0, FinishY=0);}.contactTable { width:300px !important; height:150px !important; background-image:url("http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q12 4/sheivalaca/cc/c10/8424d4a9b100b3c9e68d9279eb51f71b.gif"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:transparent; background-attachment:scroll; background-position:center center; padding:0px !important;} .contactTable table, table.contactTable td { background-color:transparent; background-image:none; padding:0px !important;} .contactTable a img {visibility:hidden; border:0px !important;} .contactTable .text {font-size:1px !important;}p {align=justify} BODY{cursor: url(http://nackvision.com/myspace/cursor/cat/cat-a.ani);} a {cursor: hand;} fashion layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

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Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts

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