www.Demetrious-Noble.com [email protected]
"A Broken Home" A Series of 33 Fine Art Portraits. Photographed and presented by Demetrious Noble 16x20 $750.00 Long Live Film!!! I created my layout at KillerKiwi.net
Google 11:11! I've been seeing 11:11 appear on my digital clocks for the past 9 years! The Mayan Calendar and the I Ching end 12/21/2012 11:11 GMT hmmmmmm! Maybe it's nothing!
Aesop Rock, Mum, Isan, Styrofoam, Boards of Canada, CocoRosie, The Dining Rooms, Four Tet, Emiliana Torrini, Saul Williams, Camille, Clutchy Hopkins, El-P, Dump, Slum Village, Cannibal Ox, Blah Blah Blah.......
City of God, O Brother Where Art Thou, Lost in Translation, Amores Perros, Fight Club, Old Boy, Hero, The Color Purple, Enternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, The Matrix, City of Lost Children, Friday, The Last Mimzy, Sunshine, No Country for Old Men, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Eastern Promises
Don't Watch!
Illusions, She, Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway, Said Shotgun to The Head, The Circle, The Hiram Key, Behold A Pale Horse, The Second Messiah, "DMT" The Spirit Molecule, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Handbook for the New Paradigm
My Family and Friends! 11:11