~**JrRyDeR***~ ~**StAy StRoNg My NiGgA qUaN!!***~ profile picture

~**JrRyDeR***~ ~**StAy StRoNg My NiGgA qUaN!!***~

~*wh0 c@n fuck w!t m3......... n0 m@mm@l*~

About Me

y0 Wutz g00d.!+z y@ b0y *~JrRyd3r*~ u M!ght Kn0w m3 u m!gh+ n0t but !f u tryn@ g3+ 2 kn0w m3 hit me up on @!m @+ Jrryder11 0r u c@n Ju$+ $3nd m3 @ me$$@g3. ! l!v3 !n D@ $+3@d b0rn !n m@nh@$$3+. @ll D@ h@+3rz g3+ d@ fuck 0ff my p@g3 y@ll kn0w wu+ y@ll c@n d0 Y3@ N1gg@ Suck @ D!ck.!m@ r3@l n!gg@ $0 h0ll@ @+ m3 Y@ D!GG!!!!!!!!!!!1

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

dipset, micheal jordan,kobe,t-mac,lebron,lotz of celebrities,and a lot of sexy dymez ya digg


rap,r&b,crunk..party muziik,basicly dipset


sixth man,fridayz(all of em),dead silence,300,dont be a menace to society,


bet,mtv any thatz on that i like


a few i read and like but i dont read like dat


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