Jo-Jo profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

[.::.]________*\\`-|.T!S.!S.MY.1st.ACCOUNT.|-`//*_______[.:: .] [email protected] adD me!!!*___+`[(-aLL.Ab0uT.Mi.w0rr-)]`+___ ^^__+`[(-`mSg.2.aLL.mY.FRENS!!`-)]`)]+__^^wEe~ waSsup my!!FRENS!! pPl ouT theRe yoU guYS shoulD apPreciate waT u hV noW ~!! ^^ thX 4 beinG my truE anD trustworthy freN in mY liFe~ u guYs ROX nEhs! u Sh0uLd n0e wHo u R.. h0pE 0uR fRiEnDsHiP nV eNdS.. |MuAcKxSsSs *__`(("v"))-L.0.V.E *__`[X]~H.A.T.EeNd...

My Interests

1.FashioN 2.shopPing 3.cLubBIng 4.LeNg Chai N leNg NUi 5.yam cHa wiF freNs 6.daY DreaM queEn 7.ouT froM the HOuse 8.ChattiNG 9.NetbaLL 10.sPortS

I'd like to meet:

"the breakup artist" n the hottest guyx in da worlD..Anyone and everyone.... Dont really have any particular types of people i wanna meet... So long as u think u're up to it, just leAve a msG 2 me i wiLL rePly u s0on..oR u caN adD me i wiLL be veLi gLad to hV a freN liKE yoU!!! u caN adD me : iCq: 209135130 msN: [email protected] (tis acC is fuLL) mSn: [email protected] (plZ add thiS acc) *niCe tO meEt yoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!* AdD me-- [email protected] (frieNdster) [email protected](my space)


wHere iS the Love ,i waNna love You 4ever , bElaYan jIwa , kAu iLhaMku , sUpeRstAr , bEat hIt , bEcAusE iM a GiRL , eVeRyTiMe , qI Li xIaNg , There's Gotta Be More To Life , Infatuation , jay chaO- jie koU , Ja Rule feat. Christina Millian - i jusT waNna loVe , the reasOn , Bubblin , red blooded woman , Love At First Sight , my happy endIng , like i love you , welcome to my life N loTz moRe


baby booM... stairwaY t0 heaVen....soNic youTh....


i preFer maGazIne !!!!!!!!