Veronica profile picture


it breaks my heart....

About Me

I am a senior at GVSU and will be graduating in June! I am blessed with wonderful parents and siblings and my amazing fiance, Brandon. I love God a lot & am trying to figure out what He wants me to do with my life. Finding a job is hard work! Life at GV is okay but I am glad I'm almost done because I don't like being away from the people I love most...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Bedtime Survey
::Pre-Bed Warmups::
What are your Pajames?: sweatpants & sweatshirt
Have you ever slept nude?: no, i'd be too cold
Is your door open or shut?: shut
Nightlight?: no
Did you ever believe in under-the-bed monsters?: no
Closet monsters?: yes
What size is your bed?: full
Ever wet the bed?: probably when i was little
Anything quirky you do before you hop into bed?: read my bible books
::In the Middle of the Night::
What position to you fall asleep in?: curled up in a ball on my side
Do you fall asleep right away?: usually
Do you get up in the middle of the night for any reason?: to go to the bathroom
Do you move around?: yep
Snore?: maybe
Talk?: sometimes
Kick?: i don't know
Wet the Bed?: no
Do you snuggle up with someone at night?: my teddy bears
Do you usually dream?: if i eat before bed
And remember them?: the really crazy ones
If people call in the middle of the night, do you answer?: heck no. my phone is on silent
Do you get scared from nightmares?: yes
Do you sleep on top, in between, or beneath the sheets?: beneath
Have you slept under the sheets, but woken up with them tossed off of you?: in summer
Have you ever fallen asleep with clothes on, but woke up with some off?: just a sweatshirt
Do you snuggle with a body pillow?: no
Any stuffed animals you sleep with?: two teddy bears
Do you sleep with the fan on?: no
::The Next Day::
What position do you wake up in?: curled up
Is this different from your original sleeping one?: not usually
What time do you usually wake up?: before 10
What time did you go to bed? [forgot to ask this earlier x_x]: between midnight & 1
Have you ever woken up earlier than 5 AM?: to catch a plane or something
What's the first thing you do when you wake up?: brush my teeth
Are you colder in the morning than you were at night?: yes
Do you drink coffee to wake you up?: no
Do you talk when you first wake up?: no
Are you a morning person?: not early morning
Do you get on Myspace in the morning?: no
Do you have an early job/class?: 8:30 class
What's the best breakfast food?: white chocolate strawberry yogurt
McDonald's or Starbucks in the morning?: starbucks frappucino
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My Interests

so you're bored, huh?
name:: Veronica
age:: 20
grade:: 15
eye color:: blue
hair color:: blonde
height:: 5'7"
what is your favorite thing to do?: sleep, just hang out
what do you usually do on the weekends?: go home & hang out with Brandon
what is your favorite color?: black
finish the sentence...
look at that...: duck
why are you so...: mean?
i dont understand...: you
because...: i said so
i love...: everyone, but mostly Brandon
what do you think about...
gay marriage?: God made Adam & Eve, not Adam and Steve
racism?: i wish it would go away
george bush?: no comment
hilary clinton running for president?: women shouldn't be president
the world?: it's a mess but there's always hope
Iraq?: it's going to get better
random stuff
do you like cheese?: kinda
what about hot dogs?: yeah
where's waldo?: in a book
what color is your shirt?: white
green eggs and ham?: ewww
tell me a story.: there once was a girl who put off homework by filling out myspace surveys
do you like clouds?: if there's no snow in them
why is the sky blue?: b.c God made it that way
why does it rain?: the angels in heaven are crying
if you died and could come back as anything, what would you be?: i wouldn't want to come back
what is your favorite animal?: dog
why?: they give unconditional love
what time is it?: 3:18
what day is it?: tuesday
what should you be doing right now?: homework
do you like school?: it's alright
why are you doing this survey?: b.c i don't want to do anymore homework
do you have a best friend?: yes
this or that?
black or white?: black
blue or red?: blue
pink or green?: pink
land or water?: land
cold or hot?: hot
circle or square?: circle
coffee or tea?: tea
raspberries or blackberries?: blackberries
apples or oranges?: both
snow or rain?: rain
summer or winter?: definitely summer
spring or fall?: spring
peaches or pears?: peaches
this or that?: this
yes or no?: yes
single date or double date?: single
dinner or a movie?: dinner
the last four.
what did you do last night?: homework
are you hiding something from EVERYONE?: no
do you have any talents?: probably
can you play an instrument?: not really
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