Afiq profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

-My nAme is AfIQ -16 years old (2005) -lIve @ tAmaN meLAwati, KL -sTudent ForM 5 @ MRSM bALiK PuLaU, PeNanG!! - MRSM Balik Pulau is da fuckiest school EvER!! -LovE my GiRL soO muCH! -KnOW n lIke to drive lIke crAzy PeOpLE! -LikEs to rAcing CarZ sO so mUCh on thE stREET! -LoVe peRfOmanCE cars especially fRom JaPAN!! (NiSSAn SkYLinE GT-R, NisSAn 350Z, NisSAn SiLvIa, MitSuBIshI LanCeR eVoLutiOn I-VIII, MitSubIShI EclIpse, ToYotA SupRa, HonDa InteGra DC5, HonDa S2000 anD aLSo HonDa NsX!) -tHatS aLL fOR nOW...n ThanK u!.. :)...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anY perSOn whO like tO be mY fRiend...janJI dIER ikHLaS!!......