philisophising, cuddling and kissing, music-making, drug taking, funk and skanky dub tracks, interviewing, sexy backs, doco making, sun baking, tea drinking, sitting, thinking, ocean-swims and on-a-whims, wacky backy, smoko's, on-air fun and cocoa, naked times, silly rhymes, foxy men, 'remember when', nice clean sheets and bare feet, kissing boys in the rain, veiwing platforms on Kaikoura trains, singing songs, righting wrongs, flirty nights, pretty sights, i like life in big bites :) xox
Ban Harper again, so I can actually talk to him instead of standing speechless like a fooooool, George Bush - so I can practise karate on his face, Lauryn Hill - so I can find out if she really doesn't like white people, (It can't be true!!), Kim Hill, so I can figure out how to steal her job PLUS!!!nice police men, foxy and fabulous young women, feminists with penis's, singers with soul, straight-up politicians, men with vision, buddhist monks (who are allowed to talk to women), modern-day prophets, cunning linguists, musicians of merit, and the person who did this:OH!!!! AND THIS GUY!!!!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.†Nelson Mandela