Rhymesayers Vs Def Jux
Growing up in a small town hindered me from being exposed to the wonderful world of hip-hop until I was about 10 yeas old. When I was ten I rented the movie Juice this was my first exposure to hip hop outside of M.C. Hammer I was intrigued by the rawness of it all from the clothes to the language and especially the music. That is a day that forever changed my life and my goals as I knew it. I no longer envied the players of the N.B.A. I know wanted to be a D.J... A very good dream however not the easiest one to achieve given my surroundings at the time. This is a dream that stuck with me through my teen years and in to my twenties. Until my 22nd birthday when I finally received my first set of professional turntables. I instantly became obsessed with craft of scratching cutting and blending. After 3 months of practice I decided I was ready to do my first mixtape. That was the day that Entry Level Records was born it was a simple concept of a mix of underground hip hop with my friend Maximus Rhyming over some instrumental tracks it was a simple but people seemed to enjoy it over the last three years I have mad and distributed 7 mixtapes. Approximately 8 months after I received my turntables I began to dabble in music production. Basic drum patterns and simple sample looping. Nothing great but my friend Maximus really enjoyed some of the tracks and he began to compile an album. When all was said and done it was 17 track efforts that were both quite proud of. Now nearly 4 years after I started Entry Level Records is looking forward to its biggest year yet. There will be a solo album from myself, as well as a soul inspired instrumental album. There will be a compilation album featuring production from myself and B Vito. I have also finished production on the Mike Kane J-Stats album due out sometime this summer. The art of reinvention will be finished the fall and out hopefully for the holidays. Keep coming back for the summer mix-tape series available for download every other week. A big thanks to all supporters this wouldn't work with out you. Support local hip hop stay off that whack commercial bull shit Peace, Slyce ..<a