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Ras DJ

InI like a tree planted by di rivers water!!!

About Me


My Interests

My African Queen is my number one lady in my life. Her Love is a mighty power, a great and complete good. Her Love alone lightens every burden, and makes rough places smooth. It bears every hardship as though it were nothing, and renders all bitterness sweet and acceptable. Her Love sees nothing as impossible, for it feels able to achieve all things. It is strange and effective, while those who lack love faint and fail.

My interest are simple: I never ask for anything and always trying to give as much as I can. Im advocate of higher education. It takes money to further your education in Schools. However Libraries are FREE and knowledge is neverending. I enjoy nature, gardening and landscape. I enjoy hanging with Friends and Family when I can. I love concerts and dancing. I like to eat natural foods and learning more of my African History.

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"One love, one heart, let's get together and feel alright."



The most important force behind black jamaican counter culture & reggae music is the Rastafarian faith. It's origins begins with Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican born visionary who led a black nationalist "Back to Africa" movement in Harlem in the 1920's. In 1927 Garvey Prophesied "look to African, where a black king shall be crowned for the day of deliverance is near.

In the 1930's, an Ethiopian prince named Ras Tafari Makkonen was crowned Emperor Haile Selassie I; several Jamaican preachers maintained that the emperor was the Messiah. The most important of these early preachers, L.P. Howell, Formulated the principles of the Rastafarian movement, based on black superiority and hatred of the white establishment.


Howell and other early leaders were jailed, effecting a permanent vendetta between Rasta and the police. To escape persecution , Howell and his followers established communes in remote rural areas, where they developed such customs as the use of Ganja as an aid to religious meditation, and the wearing of their hair in the natural, lion-like"Dreadlocks" style.

In 1954, the police destroyed the last of Howell's rural settlements. But, rather than destroying the movement, this event set the stage for its growth. Rastafarianism largely relocated to Kingston slums and became a pervasive, unofficial mass movement which dominated the cultural life of Jamaican The movement stresses universal love rather than anti-white and anti-establishment violence Christianity is rejected as a death-oriented religion used to pacify slaves. Rastafarianism is based on anti-authoritarianism and an espousal of the individual absolute worth (each man is God).

ll institutions ( such as police) and decadent western society in general are rejected under the collective term of "Babylon". To preserve his independence from "Babylon" the Rasta man does not beg or work for wages. He prefers to earn his livelihood by self-employment skills such as farming or fishing , by participating in communal workshop, or by developing a craft that insures his economic independenceOne example of Rastafarian autonomy is the evolution of it's own highly developed patois to replace standard Jamaican English, considered the language of slaves. The language used in the lyrics of Reggae singers is a free- styled English without grammatical or structural rules.
Peter Tosh: RED X

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Rasta Patois
Babylon- The corrupt estalishment
Badness- Hooligan behaviour
Beast- a policeman
Baldhead- no dreadlocks
Batty bwoy- gay person
Binghi- Wise
Culture-reflecting or pertaining to ghetto roots values. The values traditions most highly respected by rasta
Cha! or Cho!- a disdainful expletive
Chalice- a pipe for smoking herbs
Dread- a rasta man
Forward- in the future; to go; move on
Ganja- herb
I- replaces me, you, and my
I&I- me and also you & me
Iditation- Meditation
Idren- Brother
I man- I, me, mine
I ney- Greetings
Irie- cool
Ital- vital, pure, wholesome
I rey- fine, excellent, cool or ok
I tection- protect
Ites- the heights, greetings or the color red
I thiopia- Ethiopia
Jah Knows- Lord knows
Jah- Jah Rastafari, Haile Selassie I, King of kings, lord of lords, Conquering lion of Judah
Lion- a righteous dread, a great soul
Mash up- destroy
Natty dread Nyabingi- a Rastafarian spiritual gathering
Niyah man- Wise man
Overstand- understand
Politricks- Politics
Ras- a title used by Rastafarians meaning " lord or head" Ras Tafari- the Rastafarian deity, from the Amharic title "Ras" meaning chief and "Tafari" the giving name of Haile selaisse. Ras Tafari Makonnen was his name before ascended the Ethiopian throne
Rude bwoy- a hard hearted person, a tough guy
Sinsmilla, sensi- potent, seedless ganja
Sista, Sistren- Woman, Rastafarian woman
Seen- I agree
Spliff- large cone shaped herb cigarette
Step- to leave
Tam- wool hat
The I- you
Vex- to be angry
Wolf- a non rasta dreadlock
Yard- tenement yard, home, homeland
youth- a child, a young man
Zion- Ithiopia, the promise land
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A few of my favorite movies are:
Beloved, Roots, Color Purple, Big Momma's House, Friday (all of em), Barber Shop 1 and 2, Super Trooper, Biodome, Liar Liar,Dancehall Queen, Wedding Crashers, Get Rich or Die Trying, North Country and The Rockers /p


TV Shows I enjoy varies day to day but I like the following anytime:
24, CSI Series, King of Queens, Sports


The latest books I read are:
From Slavery to Freedom, Catch a Fire, Haile Sellasie I, Home and Garden


A couple of my Hero's are:
Washington Carver - Agricultural chemist, Carver discovered three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes.

Marcus Garvey - was a publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, crusader for black nationalism and founder of the UNIA.

My Blog

George Washington Carver

It is rare to find a man of the caliber of George Washington Carver. A man who would decline an invitation to work for a salary of more than $100,000 a year (almost a million today) to continue his re...
Posted by Ras DJ on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:52:00 PST