Hey there my name is Kurtis, my favorite sport is BMX FLATLAND i love it because it seriously kicks ass and is super hard thats why i ride my bike so much. I think that if you do something for a really long period of time you will eventually get used to it and then it will be realyy easy . Anyways my favorite food is like HOT POCKETS I guess or actually FRIED CHICKEN. I love ALTERNATIVE ROCK and some other types of music). I really like hanging out with friends, I think that having friends is the most important in life and the people you surround yourself with shows what kind of person you are....yeah that pretty muych sums it up..................and
uuuuuhhhhhhhh i know this guy named phil he's an ESKIMO he lives in my freezer cause its cold in there and ESKIMO'S like the cold and phil is cool cause he say's ershshshshshshshshshshshsh alot and he drives a cool car hes a gangster he smokes icecubes.........LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:450px;">
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