RIP Maizie, Debow, and Chevie together once again. profile picture

RIP Maizie, Debow, and Chevie together once again.

About Me

?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P Click here to get Falling Objects ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P ?I Love Dirty P
I live in Oak Ridge, TN. I do nothing but sleep, work and go to school full-time. In my spare time I like to spend my time just chillin wit my man Dirty P. We have a lot of fun together. I try to see him as much as possible but its kinda hard goin to school and workin full-time. but everything will work out for the better or at least thats what everyone tells me. Dirty P and I go out to eat and to the movies or sometimes just chill at the house and watch movies and hold each other. well i guess its not that bad after all. But life still does suck at times so yea.
What does your birth month reveal about you? (Pics)

Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent andclever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
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What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)
You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.
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My Interests

My favorite...
...color is blue
...animals is dogs is football
...season is summer
...TV show is Charmed
...drink is Iced Tea is Stephen King is Chamillitary is Christmas is

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