I like music and um... music and music. I also love my friends very very much and I wish I could spend more time with them. I like to watch rednecks drink beer and play with yo-yos... yay for family functions... I also like to watch rednecks drink beer and set off fireworks then give us safety lectures on sparklers... I also enjoy long walks on the beach and playing sparkler tag in the rain
ok so, my top friends are now officially in random order because I hate having to try to rank my friends. I love them all and that's that.
I love music. period. I'll listen to anything as long as it's not rap. my favorite bands and artists include blue october, 3 days grace, finger 11, garth brooks, godsmack, jeff bates, metallica, anything by Brahms, I love the phantom of the opera, I like crossfade, greenday, the offspring, michelle branch, vanessa carlton, arrowsmith, AC/DC, martina mcbride, sarah mclachlan, nancy griffith, the list continues for days...I also play French Horn, trumpet, Flute, Tenor Sax, a bit of piano, and percussion
this may sound very girly and ghetto but... A Walk to Remember, 13 Ghosts because it made me laugh, Caddyshack, Terminator, Star Wars, Lion King, Miracle on 34th Street, My Girl, Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of the Carribean, Love Actually, Coyote Ugly, Final Destination 1 and 2, Ever After, Never Been Kissed, Not Another Teen Movie, American Pie series, Team America... etc. etc.
I rarely watch tv but I do enjoy me some family guy and futurama almost every night
I like books, I read them all, but my favorites include How to be a Canadian, Napalm and Silly putty, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Diary of Anne Frank, The Mind of Adolf Hitler (it's a psycological analysis of Hitler $1 at a marine corp recruiting depot museum), Roots, Anything by Orson Scott Card or Italo Calvino... a lot of damn books
I have many heros, one of them has changed me more than anyone else in the world. She has been with me when I cried and I've seen her fall apart, but she always managed to pick herself back up and make it right again. That's my best friend, my kt. We've even perfected the art of crying and laughing at the same time. Chelsea Milburn for always sticking up for her friends, even against her other friends. Brandon, he has shown me what real strength is and I have seen him change drastically in the last 4 or 5 years. Then there are my brothers, they've been in my life longer than any of my friends, but they're my friends too, I love them and wouldn't be me without countless hours and rounds of bad jokes at the dinner table and on car trips... thanks boys, you're my heroes.